Friday, July 28, 2023

It's His kindness that leads us to repentance!

 "I knew that I had made a terrible mistake after I took that second pill!"

These were the words of a young woman who walked right over to us after walking out of the AWHC abortuary in Altamonte Springs Florida.

We had called out to her, offering help, and that we would love to speak with her;  so we were very happy when she quickly headed our way.

As she approached, there were tears falling down her face, and she shared with us how she had already had it....the abortion.

Her face was filled with sadness, sorrow, and remorse over her little baby, and she wept.

As she was weeping, we asked if we could give her a hug, to which she fell onto our shoulders crying.

Deep conviction was already taking place very deeply as she shared with us that she was a Christian, and knew that what she did was so very wrong against the God she loved that she had betrayed and walked away from.

She told us that when she was driving to the abortion center, she knew that what she was planning was so wrong in the eyes of God, even though she wasn't following Him then.

But because of fear, she had the abortion, and now stood weeping as a very, convicted, and repentant broken woman, 

I began to tell her of my past abortions, and how thankful I was that 'His kindness led me to repentance' (Romans 2:4), and the moment I repented of the sin of abortion, the murder of my innocent children, the chains that had held me bound and captive for so many years, fell to the ground.

We asked if we could pray for her, to which she said yes right away.

While praying, there was weeping amongst us all, and the presence of our HOLY God was with us.

This broken woman repented of killing her child with sack cloth and ashes as I had done so many years ago!!!  She then renewed her relationship with Christ!

Yes, it is HIS kindness that leads us to repentance oh Lord!

What a beautiful time of praying, and witnessing the power of God fall down in front of the very gates of hell, and watching His kindness lead someone to repentance, true repentance.  GLORY!!!

While all of this was going on, the pro-abortion escorts stood in the distance watching all of this taking place, as you can see in the picture.

Our prayer is that they saw the love, grace and mercy of the Lord God Almighty move upon this young woman who had committed abortion, and felt such remorse afterward.  

Please join us in praying for them as well, that they would repent of defending the shedding of innocent blood, and that they would kneel before the Lord and surrender their hearts unto King Jesus!

Thank you Lord for the opportunities that you give us to share what you have done in our lives, and to be able to witness you set the captives free!  Hallejuah!!!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful testimony, Michele. You are truly a blessed servant of God. May your extensive efforts for the cause of LIFE be rewarded in many ways, both here and beyond the veil. ❤️
